Monday, August 17, 2009

A new year!

RA training has officially begun! This will now be my 6th staff that I will have supervised. It's kinda funny because you'd think after 6 years, it'd be easy to supervise and that you'd have all the answers-yet-each year is new and different and presents its own challenges and successes. I'm pretty stoked about this upcoming year and to be working with this group of people that will be my first staff as a full time professional.

On another note-The very first presentation session of this year's training and it was all mine! Nothin like throwin the rook into the lion's den of commanding the attention of the entire RA staff on a Monday morning! Alas, Laffy Taffy helped me big time today :D Who doesn't like rockin' candy and terrible jokes on a Monday morning!? Turns out the RAs at Carroll dig it!

Well-1 day of training down, 9 more to go. GO TEAM!
Bergstrom Staff 2009-2010: Carroll's Most Wanted!

Friday, August 7, 2009


So-I've never intended to be a blogger and am actually quite surprised that I have decided to go forward with starting one. That being said, it's kind of exciting to begin this and maybe share a bit of my life with others.

It's one week until my staff comes here, and I'm incredibly nervous and excited about it! This will now be my fifth year of supervision, and you'd think by year 5, I'd have it down with little anxiety or trepidation. Alas, this is residence life and nothing stays the same. Each year is new. Each year is unique. So here's to another year!

A bit of a sneak peak at where I currently am: Carroll

I love it here but must admit...I miss the glory of northern Wisconsin immensly.

Alrighty-that's my first post. Nothing too exciting-I'm going to do some exploring this weekend, so I'm sure I'll have more for later.
